It is just past midnight on a Sunday night. Late, considering I have to be up in about six hours. And late considering I will toss and turn in bed, as I always do, until I finally drift into blissful sleep. But, little A is asleep, and my husband is out playing hockey. Yes, when he plays his games are very, very late. He's been gone since 10:00, and will likely be home around 1:00 this morning. For me, it has been a very quiet, very late, night. And it's wonderful. I don't think I actually realized how much I missed this. Quiet. No crying, no talking, no questions, no television, nothing to do. Just quiet. Even the dog is taking advantage of all this stillness, and is enjoying her quiet time under the blanket.
And me? I knitted, and then I read. And then I realized I wanted to do nothing. So, I did nothing for awhile. My mind, too, is quiet. How rare is that? So, I found myself listening to the sounds of my house. The humming of fish tank, and the furnace going off and on. And now here I am writing about all this quiet so that when things get back to being loud (for it inevitably, and thankfully, will) I can come back and remember how much I like the quiet. And how much I need it every once in awhile. Hope you find time in your week for a little quiet, too.
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