Monday, October 10, 2011

Morphine Induced Hisses and Lots of Kisses

We spent last night in the emergency room at the Children's Hospital. Poor little A was in so much pain, and was dehydrated, so we gathered her up and went to make sure there wasn't anything else going on. 

Turns out it is probably a virus, but because she was in agony, and because she couldn't keep anything down, the doctor decided to give her some anti-nausea medication, followed by a little morphine to take the edge off her pain. Boy, did it ever work. Within seconds (really!) she was smiling, and totally comfortable. And a little bit high. 2:00am in the emergency room, with an IV drip in her hand, our little girl started rambling. She couldn't stop talking about everything in the room as though she had just walked in. She was hissing like a snake because there was a picture of a snake on the wallpaper that just enraptured her. It was, apparently, the best snake ever. She talked about how she could see things on the left with only her left eye, and things on the right with only her right eye. She hissed some more. And she rambled on and on about I'm not sure what. It was hilarious. And because she was finally comfortable and not nauseous, we were all happy. And many snake hisses later we were home. And she was still high. She thought it was raining in the kitchen, and after I assured it all was dry, we all headed off to bed - hissing.

She had a fever most of the night, but altogether today is a better day. No throwing up, but still a lot of tummy pain. And because the thing that upset her the most about all of this was that we didn't get Thanksgiving dinner, I am making it today. She will eat what she can, and she will be happy. Because mom and dad can't bear to watch her cry anymore about missing Thanksgiving.  Anything to make a sick girl smile.

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